What is a Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR)?

Long polysiloxane chains are enhanced with chemically treated silica in the two-component method known as liquid silicone rubber (LSR). A platinum catalyst is present in Component A, and Methylhydrogensiloxane, a cross-linker and an alcohol inhibitor, is present in Component B. Liquid silicone rubber (LSR) and high consistency rubber (HCR) vary primarily in that LSR materials are “flow able” or “liquid” in nature. LSR solely employs additive curing with platinum, whereas HCR can use either a peroxide or a platinum curing procedure. Liquid silicone rubber injection moulding calls for specific handling since the material is thermosetting. For example, the material must undergo extensive distributive mixing while being kept at a low temperature before being injected into the heated cavity and vulcanised.

Properties & applications of LSR:

LSR has a number of benefits depending on the application or its industrial use. It can be utilized for items that come into touch with humans, such as organ replacements or prosthetics, because it is highly biocompatible. Its high level of durability guarantees long-term stability and chemical resistance. Thirdly, it can withstand a wide range of temperatures, from -60 °C to +250 °C, while always maintaining its high-performance mechanical qualities. Fourth, it is perfect for insulation and precise conductivity protection due to its electrical qualities. Finally, it is translucent and may be tinted to match any color need, including the tones of human skin.

For industries like automotive or medical devices, where small and intricate elastomeric parts must be produced at high speed and maximum productivity, LSR are also regarded as the material of choice. Liquid Injection Molding of LSRs becomes one of the most effective processes for fabricators in such circumstances.

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